Songs from the heart
Songs have risen up freely and spontaneously through P&W for as long as we have been gathering together. Isaiah heard songs arising in the furthest parts of the earth; songs that give glory to the Righteous One before His return (Isaiah 24:16). Later he commissions the ends of the earth to sing these new ‘Tehillah’ songs to the Lord (Isaiah 42:10). For many years we did not capture the spontaneous songs in our midst, but let them simply arise to bless His heart. More recently we have begun to produce music releases from these love songs that spring up for Him.
We want to play our small part here in one of the furthest parts of the earth from Jerusalem, to help creatives burn for Him and fill the earth with these songs. There is a rich history in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Island region, in filling the earth with new songs for Him.
We believe that God is calling us to continue to lift up our Tehillah and release it through music production as an example for many others in our land and abroad, who are called to do likewise.
As the Lord speaks to us through our local story and through prophetic songs, we believe we are to capture and scribe what He is saying and release it. This has taken form through the album Awoken In The Sanctuary, and spontaneous moments released from our prayer and worship gatherings. By releasing these songs, we are inviting others to behold the beauty and revelation of God that we are seeing as we gaze upon Him.
Psalm 22:3 speaks of God coming and making His home in the Tehillah, (the free, spontaneous, honest heart song) of His people. We love that He is drawn to the honest expressions of our hearts and desires to dwell there. Jon Tyson conveys this with the simple statement: “God comes where He’s wanted”.
God has spoken several significant regional words about a coming nameless and faceless renewal, whose main thrust will be ‘free worship’ and will result in many salvations.
We believe this term ‘Free worship’ refers to worship that flows freely from hearts consecrated to God. Free worship is free from idolatry; pure in its heart motive of loving Jesus for Him. Growing in free worship means we seek to ‘set worship free’ of the impurities and mixed motives that can otherwise control our worship expression and detract from revealing the worth of Jesus, reducing worship to a means to some other end. This purity of motivation is a byproduct of seeing Jesus rightly, and in response, offering our whole life completely to him as a living sacrifice. As we grow in our knowledge of His beauty and the experience of His goodness, we are empowered to respond wholeheartedly to Him.
Musical worship is a tool to help disciples in wholeheartedly elevating Jesus above everything else. It assists us in offering ourselves as living sacrifices to Him and seeking first His Kingdom. We believe musical worship is also an effective tool in revealing God to unbelievers and preparing their hearts to receive the gospel. We are seeing this more and more.
Out of free worship flows endless revelation of God, filling the earth with genuine adoration of Jesus, and heralding His good news to those who don’t know Him yet.

Latest Releases
‘Live at Tehillah ‘23’ is our most recent album, released in June 2024. Filled with 16 spontaneous moments of joy and jubilance from Tehillah Worship Festival ‘23, the overflow of 52 hours of continuous prayer and worship.
‘Best Friends (Live)’ was a moment from a Monday night where we had gathered to pray pray for Gen Z to become resilient disciples of Jesus. We believe this is a song that empowers a generation to feel validated in their holy discontentment.